Effects of Levy Flights Mobility
Pattern on Epidemic Spreading
of the studies on human and animal mobility pattern including experimental data
and theoretic analysis found that their mobility pattern follows the Levy
Epidemic spreading processes always follow the mobility of human and animal. In this article,
Spatial Network Model
The frequency distribution of sum of walk distances in a day for deer and sheep. Both distribution are vary narrow, which represents the energy distribution is homogenous.
Network Model
Based on a uniform cycle, each node denotes a small group of people. Given a restriction on total energy, we get a one-dimensional weighted network with a Levy flight spatial structure. According to levi flight pattern (P(d) ~ dalpha ), the weight wij on the link between node i and j should be proportional to d ijalpha, and for a given network size, the sum of all wijdij should be a constant which denotes the energy constraint. So, we can get an ensemble network model of these spatial weighted networks generated by many times of realization as:
On this weighted network, the infected probability is related with the weight.
where v is the spreading ratio, and I is the set of infected nodes.
Terminate until all the nodes are infected and register the steps have been taken as T .
SI Model
Randomly choose one node as an infected individual, others are susceptible.Terminate until all the nodes are infected and register the steps have been taken as T .
Epidemic spreading speed with different exponents
The figure alongside is for n = 1000, V = 0.05.
The curve has a lowest point when alpha ~ 2.
This imples that the mobility pattern will drive the epidemic diffusion.
Spread ratio under different alpha and various network size n
The dependence of spread ratio on time under different alpha.
A. Spread ratio under alpha = 0 and alpha = −1, respectively.
B. Spread ration under = −2. We can see that when alpha = −2, the spread ratio grows much faster than other cases.
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